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focusOS - Hide All Distractions with One Click | Product Hunt
focusOS - Hide all distractions with one click | Product Hunt

"focusedOS Review: macOS FOCUS tool"

"Bring the iPad’s one-app-at-a-time focus to your Mac with this new app."

Josh Holtz


Super excited for @Michael_tigas’s launch of @focusedOS 🥳 I have big focus problems and this is already helping 😁

Christian Mitteldorf


You can keep your Promo code @joshdholtz, but I will second your praise. It’s a fantastic tool I’ve had the pleasure to test out early on. Great work @michael_tigas and congratulations on the addition in the app-family 😀

Fernando Silva


Wow I’m pretty impressed with the new @focusedOS app.

App is very visually pleasing, the onboarding process was so simple. It works across all your devices and syncs all your environments.

It also will grey out and block apps that you don’t want distracting you.

5 ⭐️

Paal Ringstad


Amazing, tried it today, and loved it! Super simple and I had some intense hours of focused work! Incredible how does Slack messages just throws you off... I have a feeling I'll be using this quite a lot :)

Ben Noland


Great Idea, Great Implementation.

I’ve been using this app for a few days and already seeing improvements to my productivity. The simple act of deciding that I’m in focus mode and flipping the switch is surprisingly helpful for my mindfulness.

Nicole Astor


I've set up a ton of restrictions on my iPhone, including the built-in screen time limits and lock screen apps. Now, with focusedOS available on Mac, I can do all of that too! It's amazing, especially at night when I really need it to lock away those distracting video sites and help me get some sleep. 😴

William Jin


Congrats on the launch! Does anyone else love how it integrates with your entire Apple ecosystem seamlessly


"Killer New iPad Apps to Check Out"

"Use focusOS to Drown Out Distractions and Get to Work on Your Mac"

Mustafa Yusuf


A simple no-bullshit one tap solution to remove the noise when focusing!

Been using it and love it! Now that it’s finally out and you’ll should all give it a go 😄 🚀

Congrats on shipping!

Hasan Kassem


Absolutely love this!

Dimming inactive apps is a game-changer.

I didn’t realize how much I needed it before I tried it.

Congrats on the launch!

olives ana

@olives ana

Perfect to concentrate on what really matters

This app is amazing to avoid all distractions and to focus on your studies (it’s for what I use). I found it handy that locks all the apps, when I noticed my social media apps were locked it acted as a reminder to continue studying 🥹

Ryan Lindsey


This is such a game changer. I can't believe I used to have 10-20 different windows open at a time. 😅

Will Bishop


Thoughtfully designed.

Really love using this. I asked the developer for a new feature and he built it really quick! Really handy to keep my focused on something and not letting me get distracted by the pretty colors in another window

Brent Dirks


I’ve been using focusedOS for a few days, and have enjoyed using the app so far. It’s great to enable the customizable options with just a single click. For the entire screen of my Mac to dim and just the app I need to use and block out other sites and apps. Give it a try if you’re wanting to take your productivity to a new level. 

Justin Pot


FocusedOS blocks distractions, dims windows, and even plays ambient sounds.

If you're constantly toggling a collection of focus-boosting tools every time you need to focus, though, FocusedOS might be exactly what you need.

"Why the M4 iPad Pro is a Productivity Powerhouse"

"focusedOS Combines Several Focus-Boosting Apps in One"

austin blake


Awesome new app from @michael_tigas!

I’ve been a fan of @FocusedWorkApp for a long time, so super excited to see @focusedOS live. Already been using it today and it is really really awesome. The ability to lock out certain apps based your current focus mode is 🔥

Congrats on the launch!

Damjan Dabo


Congratulations on the launch! I've been using focusedOS for a few days, and it’s been incredibly helpful in keeping my distractions in check. It's so easy to open just one distracting app without thinking and then fall down the rabbit hole of using all of them. But now focusedOS stops me from doing that.

What I like most about focusedOS is how easy it is to set up. Great work, Michael!

Nika Kotláriková


This is awesome! I collaborate with an Android app that has the same purpose for smartphone users and I wished something for my Mac. Dreams came true. :)

Carmen Hwang


I love how @focusedOS seamlessly integrates with my Mac and helps me stay on track.😎 The one-click distraction-hiding feature is a lifesaver!🔥

Great work @michael_tigas and Congrats on the launch!!!

Sebastian Röhl


Starting using @focusedOS yesterday and it's really a great app. Instantly fell in love with the website blocking feature and the ambience sounds. Awesome work, @michael_tigas! 👌

Ryan Christoffel


Use a Mac but want the fullscreen, single-app focus of the iPad (without sacrificing power)? This new app can deliver just that.

Eileen Lam


The seamless integration of focusedOS across my devices is fantastic. It’s made staying focused much simpler. Congrats, Michael!